All Collections
What's covered, and what's not.
What assets can I insure?
How does "Scheduling" work?
What if I delete all my assets?
How do I add a Noted Interest?
What are the maximum limits?
Photo requirements for your item
What risks is my item covered against?
What's not covered? (i.e. exclusions of cover)
Are there any conditions of cover?
What is the sum insured (and maximum limits)?
I can’t switch on cover for an item because I’ve reached my limit. What does this mean?
Is my item covered anywhere in the world?
Can I insure an item purchased overseas?
Can I insure an item if I live overseas?
Can I insure an item I have borrowed?
Can I insure an item for someone else?
Can I insure an item for professional use?
Can I insure an item with pre-existing damage?
Can I insure an item without a receipt?
How do I update details about my item?
How do I update photos of my item?
What if I take poor quality photos when I add my item?
What if I switch off cover for all my items?
Is my bicycle covered during races?